Born: May 27, 2010
Head Size: 27 inches
Height: 24 inches
Weight: 130 lbs
Reg: ABKC and UKC
Color: White & blue fawn
Lines: ICK

World’s Finest Pitbull’s one and only polar bear!!! The gentlest giant you will ever have the privilege to meet.
Here at Worlds Finest Pitbulls we strive to breed for the best temperament possible. Our dogs are treated as house dogs with all the attention and play their massive bodies could possibly need. We socialize our dogs to be great with children and the best family dogs money can buy. We breed to provide other kennels with great foundation dogs to better their own breeding programs. We cut no corners on nutrition or health care. Only the best for our babies! This upcoming breeding between Gangster and Gucci will be one of our best ever…truly monumental!
Gangster has an A+ temperament and is built like a TANK! His pedigree is no joke! And his head is even BIGGER!!!! This is the real deal stud that throws huge, clean, correct and great tempered dogs!!